HRR-G102100ABK-100 Honeywell BW™ RigRat, Enhanced diffusion: Input/output + wireless + Noise Sensor, BLE, Mesh 868MHz (Portables Systems), Ex NDIR (0-100% LEL) Low Power, CO (0-500 ppm), H₂S (0-100 ppm), O₂ (0-30% Vol.), GPS

Honeywell RAE SystemsSKU: HRR-G102100ABK-100

Sale price£6,993.00


BW™ RigRat, Enhanced diffusion:

Input/output + wireless + Noise Sensor, BLE, Mesh 868MHz (Portables Systems), Ex NDIR (0-100% LEL) Low Power, CO - Carbon Monoxide (0-500 ppm), H₂S - Hydrogen Sulphide (0-100 ppm), O₂ - Liquid Oxygen (0-30% Vol.), GPS


Other configurations available: contact us


Honeywell BW™ RigRat is so easy to use that workers can operate it with confidence, trusting it to alert them to gas threats in their proximity — indoors and out, in temperatures from -40 to +140°F (-40 to +60°C). Honeywell BW™ RigRat delivers:

  • Up to 8 weeks of runtime on a single charge. Longer runtime than any area monitor in its class
  • Up to six slots for interchangeable gas sensors. Choice of electrochemical, PID, infrared, and catalytic bead sensors (measuring % LEL and percent by volume).
  • Integrated Noise sensor and Meteorological data sensors.
  • Enhanced configurations with programmable input and output.
  • Approval for explosive atmosphere. Certified for ATEX/IECEx Zone 0 and CSA C1D1.
  • Flexible applications. Zone declassification, turnarounds, confined space, routine maintenance, fence line and more. Available with pump for remote sampling.
  • One-button operation. Grab and go. No expertise required
  • Simple setup with a smartphone. Easy mobile app for alarm set points, calibration records and more.
  • Added protection. Alerts workers to nearby gas leaks, whereas personal detectors cover only the breathing zone.

Monitor-Only Configuration Includes:

  • BW™ RigRat monitor with sensors, battery and wireless options as specified, and filter(s) installed
  • Power Adapter (W03-3044-000)
  • LCD cover (W03-2129-000)
  • Diffusion calibration cap assembly (W03-3013-000)
  • Pump calibration tube assembly (W03-3020-000)
  • External Filter (Pumped version only) (W03-3006-000)
  • Antenna 868-928MHz, RP-N (550-7056-000)
  • Antenna 2.4GHz, RP-N (550-7057-000)
  • Quick Start Guide (W03-4002-000)
  • Calibration and test certificate
  • Warranty / registration card

Honeywell BW RigRat Brochure [Download Size  1.9 MB]


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